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  • DU Ying

    发布时间:2016-01-22 10:10:38

    Teach & Research:

    Intellectual Property Law

    Cell phone: +86-13910674485

    Email: 923216011@qq.com

    Doctor of Law & Professor, Director of IP Research Center

    School of Law, Central University of Finance and Economics

    Beijing, 100081, China

    Deputy Director for Institute for International Intellectual Property of Peking University (IIPP)


    1. LL.M, Yale Law School, 2007

    2. Ph. D.in Civil Law, Peking University, 2000

    3.M. A. in Civil Law, Peking University, 1997

    4.B. A. in Law, Inner Mongolia University,Summa Cum Laude,1993


    International Symposium or Conference Speeches

    1.Speech:IP Protection in China in the Context of Industry 4.0,36thAnnual Congress of ATRIP, Wellington, New Zealand,Oct. 2017

    2.Speech: Liability of Online Marketplace for Copyright Infringement,2016 Korea-China-Japan Network Workshop on copyright,Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2016

    3. Speech:the 3rdAmendment of China Trademark Law,Symposium-Recent Trends in the Dispute Resolution of International Intellectual Property,Seoul, Korea, May 2014

    4. Speech:Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement Online: Legislation and Judicial Decisions in China,Columbia University Symposium-Who's Holding the (Brand Name) Bag? Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement on the Internet, New York, USA, Nov. 2013

    5.Speech: Well-known Trademark Protection in China, WIPO-WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011

    6. Speech: The 3rdAmendment of China Trademark Law, Fordham Intellectual Property Conference, New York, USA, April 2011

    7. Speech: US Companies’ Business Strategy in China and China’s IP Protection, Missouri University, USA, 2011

    Visiting Scholar or Student Experiences

    1. Visiting Scholar,Columbia University,USA,July 2010-June 2011

    2.Visiting Scholar,Columbia University,USA,Sept. 2005-Feb. 2006

    3.Visiting Scholar, University of Nottingham, UK,Sept.2002-Dec. 2002

    4.ResearchFellowin Law, Niigata University of Japan, Oct. 1998-Mar. 2000

    5.ExchangeStudent in Law, Niigata Universityof Japan, Sept. 1995-Sept. 1996

    6. Member of China Program (Invited by International Academy of American Trial Lawyers) Hawaii and Philadelphia, May 2005-June 2005


    Editor for Legal Journal ofPrivate Law Review(2001-)



    1. The Evolution of the Trademark Law in the Social Development Context, Peking University Press, March 2012

    2. Electronic Contract Law, Hunan University Press, 2002


    1. Trademark Law, Peking University Press, 2010, 2014, 2016

    2. Intellectual Property Law, Peking University Press, 2015

    3. Intellectual Property law (with Li Mingde), Law Press, 2007

    4. Intellectual Property Law (with Wu Handong), China Central Party School Publishing House, 2008


    1.AdvertisingSlogans’Function as a Commercial Mark and Its Legal Protection,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2018(1)

    2.New Development of International Intellectual Property Regime and Chinese Route,Jurists Review(CSSCI),2016(3)

    3. Search Engines' Trademark Infringement Liability for Keyword Ads,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2015(6)

    4. The Imbalance of Trademark Regime and its Rational Return,China Legal Science(CSSCI), 2015(3)

    5. Understanding Senior Use Defence,Peking University Law Journal(CSSCI), 2015(4)

    6.Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement Online: Legislation and Judicial Decisions in China,37Columbia Journal of Law & Arts,541-556 (Summer 2014).

    7.Understanding the Role of the Intellectual Property Authorities in Validating the Intellectual Property Rights,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2011(10)

    8.Protection for the Senior User’s Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rdAmendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R. China,Jurists Review(CSSCI),2009(3)

    9.On Pure Color Trademark Registration,Law Review(CSSCI), 2009(1)

    10.The Doctrine of Functionality in Trademark Law,Journal of Comparative Law(CSSCI), 2009(1)

    11. On Trademark Reverse Confusion,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2008(10)

    12.On Normative Fair Use,Legal Forum(CSSCI), 2008(5)

    13. On Trademark Protection over the Grace Period for Trademark Registration Renewal,Intellectual Property(CSSCI), 2008(5)

    14.Consumer Surveys and Trademark Disputes,Global Law Review(CSSCI), 2008(1)

    15. Copyright Protection in Postal Items Designing,China Copyright(CSSCI), 2008(1)

    16.The Trademark Dilution Theory and Its Application,Chinese Journal of Law(CSSCI), 2007(6)

    17.Understanding Article 402 and 403 ofContract Law of People’s Republic of China, Peking University Law Journal(CSSCI),2007(6)

    18.Registrability of the Geographical Names and Its Fair Use,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2007(11)

    19.Generic Names and Trademark Rights,Jurists Review(CSSCI), 2007(3)

    20.Trademark’s Distinctiveness Requirement and Registrability of Surnames

    - An Analysis ofTrademark Examination Standards’Provisions on Surnames’ Registrability,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2006(9)

    21.The Opinions aboutProperty Law of People’s Republic of China (Draft): the Definition of Property Rights,Legal Science(CSSCI), 2005 (9)

    22.Injunctions in Intellectual Property Protection,CASS Journal of Foreign Law(CSSCI), 1999(4)

    23. Development of the Theories on Real Estate in Japan,Peking University Law Journal(CSSCI),1997(3)


    Law School, Central University of Finance and Economics (October2013-, professor of law), teaching Intellectual Property Law

    Law School, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (May 2008-September2013, Professor of Law), teaching Intellectual Property Law

    Politics and Law Department of China Central Party School (July 2000-April 2008,Associate Professor), teaching Intellectual Property Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Legal English

    In-house Counsel, LianYing Inc. Inner Mongolia(August 1993-August1994)


    Academic Prize of Central Party School, 2001

    Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank Prize of Peking University, 2000

    Sasagawa Prize of Peking University, 1997

    Excellent Graduate Prize ofInner MongoliaUniversity(magna cum laude), 1993

    First Prize of Inner Mongolia University (First Class Honors), 1990-1993


    1. Funded by Central Party School: Internet and Law, October 2001-October 2002

    2. Funded by Central Party School: Science and Technology Development and Institutional Innovation of Civil Law, May 2005-May 2006

    3. Funded by the State Council of People’s Republic of China: Mid-long Term Science and Technology Development Plan: Studies on Science and Technology Law and Policies, September 2003-March 2004 (a team member.)

    4. Funded by Ministry of Justice of People’s Republic of China: Studies on Legal Problems about the Financial Controlling Company, March 2005-March 2007 (a team member)

    5. Funded by Chinese National Foundation for Social Sciences: Studies on Intellectual Property Crimes, June 2005-June 2008 (a team member)

    6. Funded by Chinese National Foundation for Social Sciences :The Evolution of the Trademark Law in the Social Development Context, Nov. 2010-March 2012

    7. Funded by Chinese National Foundation for Social Sciences:Liability of Online Marketplace Providers for Trademark Infringement, June 2014-

    8. Funded by Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs of P.R.C.:Intellectual Property Protection in the Context of Internet, Oct. 2017-

    9. Funded by China National Intellectual Property Administration: Reconstructing Trademark Regime, Sept. 2018-

    10. Funded by China National Intellectual Property Administration: Study on the Relationship between Geographical Indications and Famous Region Drug, Sept. 2018-


    1.ConsultingExpert,Intellectual PropertyGuiding CaseResearchBaseofP.R.ChinaSupreme Court(2017-)

    2.Director,China Intellectual Property Law Research Society(2017-)

    3.Director, Patent Protection Association of China (2016-)

    4.Director, China Trademark Association (2016-)

    5.Director, China Law Association on Science and Technology (2012-)

    6.Member,Associationfor the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property(ATRIP) (2017-)
