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  • YIN Qiushi

    发布时间:2016-01-20 10:10:14

    Teach & Research:

    Civil and Commercial Law, Comparative Law, Rome Law

    Add: 39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China, 100081

    Email: yinqiushi@cufe.edu.cn

    Academic position

    Central University of Finance and Economics, School of Law, Assistant Professor, 2017-


    Sapienza Università di Roma, Dottorato di Ricerca in Diritto romano, teoria degli ordinamenti e diritto privato del mercato, 29 ciclo.

    Peking University, Ph. D. in Civil law and commercial law, 2012-2016.

    Peking University, Master in Civil law and commercial law, 2010-2012.

    Peking University, Bachelor in Law, 2006-2010.

    Published Papers

    1.YinQiushi,The challenges of autonomous vehicle to tort law and the solution, inScience of Law, 5, 2018. (Chinese)

    2.YinQiushi,The conversion of invalid act and the interpretation of legal transaction: the necessity and justification of conversion, inLegal Science, 2, 2018. (Chinese)

    3. Yin Qiushi,The validity and effect of legal transactions, inJournal of Comparative Law, 6, 2017. (Chinese)

    4. Yin Qiushi,The meaning and the systematical position of the legal representative, inLegal Science, 2, 2017. (Chinese)

    5. Yin Qiushi,The relationship between the authorization and the internal transaction, inModern Law Science, 1, 2016. (Chinese)

    6. Yin Qiushi,On explicit principle and its exception in agency, inPolitical Science and Law, 1, 2016. (Chinese)

    7. Yin Qiushi,The liability of unauthorized agent, inJournal of Law Application, 1, 2016. (Chinese)

    8. Yin Qiushi,The interpretation of registration antagonism: focused on the multiple transactions of special moveable property, inPeking University Law Review, 1, 2016. (Chinese)

    9. Yin Qiushi,Le interpretazioni della suprema corte del popolo cinese e loius honorarium, inRoma e America. diritto romano comune, 37/2016.(Italian)


    1. G. Visintini,Della rappresentanza, inCommentario del codice civile Scialoja-Branca, art. 1394, pp. 265-290, inChina Review of Administration of Justice, 3, 2017. (Chinese)

    2. G. Canzio,Relazione sull’amministrazione della giustizia nell’anno 2016, Roma, 2017, pp. 19-37, inChina Review of Administration of Justice, 5, 2017. (Chinese)
